Last week in the capital of Mozambique, the city of Maputo, took place international exhibition “FACIM-2017”. readmore
Belarus. Beauty and power. The centre of Europe and its mistery. Let's start from the very beginning. readmore
OJSC “Gomselmash” is testing the first grain harvesting combine in the world – the machine works on compressed natural gas. readmore
Belarusian-Ukrainian business forum took place in Kyiv last week, and general director of OJSC “Gomselmash” Alexandr Kamko participated in it. readmore
Polish developers “Techland” will present agricultural machinery PALESSE in popular computer simulation game «Pure Farming 2018». readmore
Holding “GOMSELMASH” and company “DVR Infratech” create a joint venture in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Last week the parties signed Memorandum of Association, and joint Belarusian-Indian enterprise will be registered under the name “Gomselmash-India” in the nearest future. readmore
«Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair 2017» took place from 13 to 19 of May in Novi Sad (Serbia).
Holding “GOMSELMASH” successfully tested cotton harvesters in Cameroon. This is the first pilot batch of cotton harvesters “HMP-1,8”, which was supplied at the beginning of this year to an African country. The group of specialists of “GOMSELMASH” set off for Cameroon in February, they made the setting up, as well as tested the harvesters in operation. readmore
“Holding "GOMSELMASH" will test grain combine on gas fuel in 2017”, - informed Chief Designer, Mr. Sergei Fedorovich. readmore
In 2017 GOMSELMASH will produce the first batch of maize ear harvesters “PALESSE MS6”, - informed Chief Designer of the research and development center of combine harvesters Sergei Fedorovich. readmore
Holding “Gomselmash” sent the first batch of cotton harvesters to Cameroon. The machines will be delivered to the country of destination approximately in a month. readmore
As we wrote earlier, from 4 to 7 October VI International Specialized Exhibition of agricultural machinery and equipment AGROSALON 2016 took place in the exhibition center "Crocus Expo" (Moscow). readmore
From 4 to 7 October International Specialized Exhibition of agricultural machinery AGROSALON 2016 will take place in Moscow – the only exhibition in Russia, which represents the products of the world's manufacturers of agricultural machinery. readmore
In the United Republic of Tanzania representatives of OJSC “Gomselmash” took part in the agricultural exhibition “National Agricultural Peasant Exhibition” (NANE NANE), hold in Morogoro Province from 01.08 till 08.08.2016. Not coincidentally was chosen date of the exhibition, in Swahili “NANE NANE” means eight eight. On this day Tanzania celebrates a national holiday - Farmer's Day readmore
Our factory has been cooperating for three years with the company “SAS PODIA” (France). In 2015 together with French partners was organized the participation of OJSC “Gomselmash” in one of the world's largest agricultural exhibitions “SIMA” (Paris). The company does market research of France and introduces the equipment “Gomselmash” to potential customers. readmore