Developing a new combine harvester using long-standing traditions


Developing a new combine harvester using long-standing traditions

Gomselmash continues to implement the strategy of creating new combine models based on the experience already used. At the same time, the most important requirement is that the parts and units being developed and used must necessarily be compatible.

There are about 35 thousand different parts in a combine harvester and we try to ensure that when developing the next model it will have a maximum of 1.5-2 thousand new ones. The rest are already involved in serial production.

General designer of the scientific and technical centre of combine harvesters manufacturing OJSC "Gomselmash" Sergey Fedorovich.

This approach speeds up the release of new technique.

If the next combine harvester model is dominated by units from the previous one, it means that there is technological equipment for their production. As a result, the costs of production preparation are reduced and the process of mastering the equipment is accelerated.

Deputy general director – technical affairs director Viktor Pinchuk.


This year, serial production of the GOMSELMASH GН810 combine harvester was launched. It uses many parts from the prototype, GS2124, only the thresher is a little narrower, but at the level of global samples. As a result, the new model achieves greater productivity, while having a more affordable price.

Currently, a new model of the combine harvester is being developed at the scientific and technical centre of combine harvesters manufacturing at OJSC "Gomselmash". It will have an increased grain tank volume, unloading system productivity, automation level, and much more. But, as before, a large number of parts from previous models will be used for the purpose of maximum unification with serially produced equipment.






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