Representatives of Belarusian enterprises had a business appointment in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation of the Republic of Zimbabwe. readmore
Specialists of “Gomsemash” branch in Czech Republic carry on sales promotion of holding “GOMSELMASH” machinery on the markets of European Union. readmore
At the International trade show “BELAGRO-2016” which took place in Minsk, holding “GOMSELMASH” presented an extensive exposition of efficient harvesting machinery for agricultural sector. Six of the eleven machines “PALESSE” were presented at “BELAGRO” for the first time. readmore
At the International exhibition of agricultural machinery “TECHAGRO-2016”, which took place in April in Brno (Czech Republic) holding “GOMSELMASH” for the first time during an exhibition arrangements of this project presented highly-productive forage harvesting complex “PALESSE FS8060”. Also the company presented grain harvesting combine “PALESSE GS12”, already known for the farmers of some EU countries. readmore
Head of marketing department of far-abroad countries Yuri Sivakov on the government delegation headed by President of House of Representatives of Republic of Belarus V. Andreichenko participated in Thai-Belarusian business forum in Bangkok. readmore
Holding “GOMSELMASH” will participate in international exhibition of agricultural machinery “TECHAGRO-2016” (Czech Republic, Brno, 3-7 April 2016). It is one of the biggest agricultural exhibitions in Eastern and Central Europe and it takes place every two years. readmore
In 2016 the well-known product line of combine harvesters “PALESSE GS12” will be extended with a new model denominated GS-1218A-1-02. readmore
The delegation of administration of the China-Belarus industrial park “Great stone” headed by the deputy general director of “Industrial Park Development Company” Mr. Zheng Minuhay visited in December 2015. readmore
The exhibition «Agritechnica 2015», which took place in Hannover proved it`s leading position as top and the most massive international exhibition of agricultural machinery and farming industry: 2 907 exhibitors from 52 countries, 450 000 visitors from 124 countries, 393 149 m² of exhibition area. Producers of equipment presented at the exhibition recent developments in the field of modern agricultural machinery industry. readmore
Holding “GOMSELMASH” will participate in the world’s leading exhibition of agricultural machinery and equipment “AGRITECHNICA 2015”. readmore
On the results of agreements reached during the meeting of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko with the Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, holding “GOMSELMASH” took measures to organize a mutually beneficial cooperation and sign a dealership contract with company MTWPakAssemblingIndustries (PVT) Limited. readmore
General director of OJSC “Gomselmash” Alexander Kamko and general director of CJSC “Brianskselmash” Valeriy Suleev tok part in the second forum of regions of Belarus and Russia (Sochi 17-18 september, 2015). readmore